Flor and Hakeem, Flor Elizabeth Carrasco, GuruGrandMaster, Hakeem Alexander Kommunikations, Hakeem Ali-Bocas Alexander, HypnoAthletics, Metaphysics, PodCast, Press Release

The UniquilibriuM Network Joins Callin

(Guru Grand Master) News Release Contact:

Hakeem Alexander Kommunikations – (757) 834-0010

Email: HAK@UniquilibriuM.com

UniquilibriuM Utilizes the Callin Social PodCasting App to Raise Awareness

UniquilibriuM creates content for vocational and avocational motivation and self improvement. Learn healthy living and self defense from a diverse, multi-media producer specializing in entertainment based, journalistically styled expositions, and autobiographical anecdotes.

Callin is a social podcasting app that allows users to listen to, create, host, speak, record and call in to live podcast conversations, or listen to archived content on-demand.

The UniquilibriuM Network began using Callin in July of 2022; adding value to existing consumers of content, and to attract new members of the global community.

This new social podcasting platform is not intended as a replacement for the current catalogue of podcasts hosted on Spreaker. Instead, Callin is being used as a supplement that has been increasing awareness of The UniquilibriuM Endeavor through enhanced User Interface \ Experience for developing increasing volumes of valuable, entertaining, educational, and therapeutic content.


Web: http://uniquilibrium.com/

Find UniquilibriuM on social media by searching “UniquilibriuM” on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.